Holistic Options

Below you’ll find a list of alternative treatment ideas recommended by Team DINOS on Facebook – including practitioners and trainers. This list reflects the calming techniques and tools that have been helpful for their individual DINOS. Every dog is different and there are many types of DINOS, so please keep in mind that what works for one DINOS family, may not work for another.

If you’ve had success with an activity or toy please let me know: info@notesfromadogwalker.com

Please note that being included in this list is not an endorsement by DINOS™  or this website.

Alternative Treatments and Tools


Thundershirt: a vest that produces gentle, constant pressure on your dog. Useful for all types of dog anxiety, fearfulness,

Rescue Remedy from Bach’s Flower Remedy: reported to help pets (and us!) when they have negative emotions. Can be used to calm stressed dogs.barking and more.

DAP Comfort Zone: a diffuser and a collar that mimic the “appeasing” pheromones secreted by nursing mother dogs. When your dog or puppy senses the pheromone, it’s intended to make him feel secure and comfortable, reducing his fear reactions and his urge to act out destructively through chewing, excessive barking or house soiling.

Tellington TTouch Methods: based on circular movements of the fingers and hands and using a combination of specific touches, lifts, and movement exercises, TTouch helps to release tension and increase body awareness. For dogs with various behavioral issues, such as fear, aggression, etc.

Through a Dog’s Ear: Tested on dogs in the shelter environment, the music is meant to calm your dog cd_calm_companionthrough psychoacoustic techniques that naturally trigger the relaxation or arousal response. It can’t harm your dog and it’s an easy, inexpensive tool to try at home. Also check out the Canine Noise Phobia Series for dogs with sound sensitivies.

Hilton Herbs: “Tranquility Support” is an herbal calmer that will not dope or sedate your dog, but is reported to help maintain a healthy and balanced nervous system and a calm outlook. Recommend to help with over excitable dogs, rescue animals that may have received bad treatment, or simply tense, nervous sensitive dogs.

Healing Touch for Animals: Healing Touch for Animals is a holistic approach designed to support the health and well-being of animals through energy medicine and intention. HTA techniques are reported to restore harmony and balance to the animal’s energy system while providing physical, emotional, mental and instinctual stability.

Calming Collars: Fabric collars filled with a blend of natural herbs specifically developed to help with certain conditions, like excessive barking, hyper-activity, stress, anxiety and fear due to loud noises, storms and thunder (thunder phobia), separation anxiety and more. Also available for motion sickness.

Quiet Moments NaturVet Dog Calming tablets and gels, Vet’s Best Comfort Calm, and Pet Natural’s Calming Treats: a variety of natural calming aids.


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